Sunday, July 29, 2012

Fun Flower Wall Art

This one has been floating around pinterest for a while now as well.  I’ve seen it done with both fabric and scrapbook paper; I chose scrapbook paper to avoid frayed edges.
It was a lot of fun to do, and pretty simple.  Those of you who are familiar with my freehand painting will understand why this was a good art project for me J.  (Remember my weird bird from art night?) 

Acrylic paint
Scrapbook paper, cut into petals of various sizes
Mod Podge
Paint brushes

Oh! The mantle.  I almost forgot.  Those three candle holders on the left were all thrift store finds- I just cleaned them up a little and sprayed painted them the colors I wanted.   
A little blurry...I should probably stop using my phone and use my actual camera.

Yikes. Even more blurry....but this way you get the whole wall-area.  More than that table later :)

1 comment:

  1. I love this so extraordinarily much!! I love ur candles and ur table and ur picture and you! You are so awesome! B-) Rachel i.
